Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Looking For A Genital Wart Home Remedy?

If you are suffering from genital warts, then you are not alone. Genital warts are actually a very common problem suffered by both women and men. Genital warts are associated with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Some people will usually try a home genital wart remedy before going to the doctor, and if you want to try this first, it is certainly understandable. Some home genital wart remedy recommendations may not even require that you do any shopping at all.

Apple cider vinegar has become a popular home genital wart remedy. It is a popular remedy for several different medical conditions. Simply get a cotton ball and cut it down until it is just large enough to cover the wart. Soak it in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the wart. Secure the cotton ball with a bandage and change it two times a day. Some users of this apple cider vinegar remedy has indicated that the warts fall off within a few days.

There is another home remedy which is not quite as popular as the apple cider vinegar remedy but is considered just as effective. This is probably because of the smell it leaves. Simply slice an onion and cover it in salt. Then you place the salted onion in a container, cover and then leave it overnight. The onion will produce a juice. You then apply this juice on the wart in the same way as then you would apply the apple cider vinegar as described earlier.

The milk from a milkweed plant is another genital wart remedy that may be quite effective. Cut the leaf from a milkweed plant and extract the sap from it into a small bowl. The sap should not be used alone, however, as it will be too strong and could damage your skin. Get a lotion that contains Vitamin E and add it to the milkweed milk, about 90% lotion to 10% milk, then apply the lotion several times per day.

Vitamin E is one home remedy that has been found to work well. You can purchase Vitamin E alone or in lotions. Vitamin E oil would be more beneficial than a lotion because it is not diluted and has no other ingredients to counteract the effects.

Watch your diet and quit smoking to prevent genital warts. A good genital wart remedy is a diet rich in beta carotene and folic acid such as orange and red vegetables and fruits and green, leafy vegetables. Smoking is also a habit that contributes to genital warts so if you are a smoker, quit and you could prevent the warts from presenting in the first place. Some people have reported genital warts going away on their own after they have quit smoking.

If you have tried a remedy or two and still have the genital warts, it could be that your sexual partner has untreated warts and is passing them right back to you. Remember that it takes about three months for genital warts to appear once you have contracted them sexually so both you and your partner should be treated at the same time.

Genital warts can be embarrassing to talk about, even with your doctor, but you should talk to your doctor anyway regardless of your embarrassment; doctors have heard what you have to say about genital warts before. Your doctor can prescribe a genital wart remedy for you if the home remedies for genital wart fail to work.

About the Author:
C.S.Cox has published many ebooks and websites for various services and products. If you found this article interesting and helpful, find out more at Genital Wart Remedy

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

To Treat (Or Not To Treat) Plantar Warts

Q: What happens when plantar warts go untreated for a really long time?
A: Plantar warts are benign epithelial tumors that form on the bottom of your feet. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which enters the skin through minor cuts and abrasions. They tend to form on the ball of the foot, the heel and the pads of the toes – areas of the foot that are under pressure from the body’s weight. Because of this pressure, the warts are pushed inward. They are usually identified by a slightly raised layer of hard skin with one or more black pinpoints in the center. (These black pinpoints are clotted blood vessels).

Plantar warts are what is a called a “self-limiting” organism. This means that they limit their own growth and usually go away of their own accord. If you decide to let your plantar wart go untreated, it will eventually disappear. But be warned: the process usually takes months or even years. And some of us are not that patient!

Plantar warts are harmless: they pose absolutely zero short-term or long-term threats to your good health. If your plantar wart does not cause you any pain or discomfort, then you have done nothing wrong by letting it go untreated, as long as you are taking precautions to prevent spreading it to others. Don’t go barefoot in public locker rooms or showers. If you are sharing a bathroom at home, you should probably wear flip-flops in the shower and encourage your roommates to do the same.

However, untreated warts can sometimes cause the foot to become very sore or tender. And obviously, if your warts are causing you pain, then you should get rid of them as fast as possible! There are a variety of over-the-counter treatments that have proven successful. Warts can be treated with a 40 percent salicylic acid solution or patch found at your local drug store. Duct tape once again proves itself as the miracle tape that can fix anything! Studies have found that by covering warts in duct tape for six days and then soaking feet in warm water and exfoliating the skin with a pumice stone, warts can be eliminated in as little as 2 months.

For some people, plantar warts can be quite aggressive and very contagious (a good reason to treat your warts even if they are causing you no pain). One wart can give rise to a colony of warts on your foot or spread from person to person. If you are worried about your wart multiplying, or want to ensure that you won’t pass it on to others (i.e., are tired of wearing flip-flops in the shower), then you should seek treatment. If over-the-counter treatments have failed to get your wart situation under control, or if you have a history of plantar warts, you may want to visit a doctor who can freeze off your wart using liquid nitrogen.

About the Author:
Jane Barron works for OddShoeFinder, a free online website that helps people find mismatched footwear.If you are looking for diabetic shoes ,mismatched footwear ,different sized feet or information useful to polio survivors, people with diabetes foot problems, and people with foot size differences,visit oddshoefinder.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Natural Treatment for HPV Infections Information

Should I use a 1, 4, 6 or 12 month supply of Homeo Pathic Virus Inhibitor, or more, and what about your creams and gels, and your daily immune defense supplement?
HPV Natural Cure

The HPVI Ultra Blast! Four Month Supply:

Recommended for users who have had HPV for six months to a year, because this 120 day supply will efficiently allow your immune system to attack the HPV virus from within—forcing it into cessation and taking back control of your life from this virus FAST! Provides a full 120-day supply of our amazing HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) to knock out HPV and all signs and symptoms rapidly; when taken as directed most users will see noticeable signs of the HPV virus cessation within the first 3-6 weeks; some users who have had HPV longer may take 8-10 weeks to see desired results. We highly recommend that you use our HPVI External Attack! Cream or HPVI External Attack! Gel with this Product to see the FASTEST results! NOTE: We always recommend using a 12 month supply, HPVI Super Blast, because the HPV virus can remain dormant in your system, even after noticeable signs, like warts, have faded. However, depending upon how long you have been infected with HPV (Genital human papillomavirus), we strongly advise that you use an entire 12 month supply for optimal results! We recommend adding HPVI B. Immune One-Per-Day Immune System Defense to your order to daily maintenance after completion of this supplement for a strong immune system.

The HPVI Mega Blast! Six Month Supply:

Recommended for users who have had HPV for nine months to a year, because this 180-day supply will efficiently allow your immune system to attack the HPV virus from within—forcing it into cessation and taking back control of your life from this virus FAST! Provides a full 180-day supply of our amazing HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) to knock out HPV and all signs and symptoms rapidly; when taken as directed most users will see noticeable signs of the HPV virus cessation within the first 2-6 weeks; some users who have had HPV longer may take 8-10 weeks to see the desired results. We highly recommend that you use our HPVI External Attack! Cream or HPVI External Attack! Gel with this Product to see the FASTEST results! NOTE: We always recommend using a 12 month supply, HPVI Super Blast, because the HPV virus can remain dormant in your system, even after noticeable signs, like warts, have faded. However, depending upon how long you have been infected with HPV (Genital human papillomavirus), we strongly advise that you use an entire 12 month supply for optimal results! We recommend adding HPVI B. Immune One-Per-Day Immune System Defense to your order to daily maintenance after completion of this supplement for a strong immune system.

The HPVI Super Blast! Twelve Month Supply:

Recommended for users that have had HPV longer than a year as the best method of boosting your immune system from within, and attacking the HPV virus, forcing it into cessation and taking back control of your life from this virus FAST! Provides a full 365-day supply of our amazing HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) to knock out HPV and all signs and symptoms rapidly; when taken as directed most users will see noticeable signs of the HPV virus cessation within the first 3-6 weeks. We highly recommend that you use our HPVI External Attack! Cream or HPVI External Attack! Gel with this Product to see the FASTEST results! NOTE: We always recommend using a 12 month supply, HPVI Super Blast, because the HPV virus can remain dormant in your system, even after noticeable signs, like warts, have faded. However, depending upon how long you have been infected with HPV (Genital human papillomavirus), we strongly advise that you use an entire 12 month supply for optimal results! We recommend adding HPVI B. Immune One-Per-Day Immune System Defense to your order to daily maintenance after completion of this supplement for a strong immune system.

Treat HPV infections externally with our amazing HPVI Cream!

Recommended for users who show noticeable signs of external symptoms of HPV, such as genital warts or anal warts, that want to see results SUPER FAST! Our soothing HPV External Attack Cream works side-by-side with HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) and contains a very powerful combination of the world’s most potent antivirals and antioxidants, as well as being infused with silver, oxygen, ozone and some other amazing ingredients to attack the virus from the outside, while our HPVI daily supplement attacks it from within! It has been specifically designed to be gentle on the most sensitive areas of the body. No BURNING or SCARRING! It is the STRONGEST cream for HPV currently on the market! Most users will see noticeable results of HPV cessation within first 6-8 weeks of daily usage, when used as directed. See even FASTER results when using our daily HPVI supplement in combination (recommended). We highly recommend that you use this product in conjunction with our amazing HPV infection treatment supplement, HPVI Super Blast! for the Best Results.

Treat HPV infections externally with our amazing HPVI gel!

Recommended for users who show noticeable signs of external symptoms of HPV, such as genital warts or anal warts, that want to see results SUPER FAST! Our soothing HPV External Attack! Gel works side-by-side with HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) and contains a very powerful combination of the world’s most potent antivirals and antioxidants, as well as being infused with silver, oxygen, ozone and some other amazing ingredients to attack the virus from the outside, while our HPVI daily supplement attacks it from within! It has been specifically designed to be gentle on the most sensitive areas of the body. No BURNING or SCARRING! It is the STRONGEST cream for HPV currently on the market! Most users will see noticeable results of HPV cessation within first 6-8 weeks of daily usage, when used as directed. See even FASTER results when using our daily HPVI supplement in combination (recommended). We highly recommend that you use this product in conjunction with our amazing HPV infection treatment supplement, HPVI Super Blast! for the Best Results.

 HPV Natural Cure

The FDA does not recognize the practice of herbs. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not evaluated any statement made herein. None of the information provided is meant to act as a prescription, medical advice or therapeutic advice. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As with any dietary supplement, you should ALWAYS seek advice from a health care practitioner prior to use of any type of herb(s) or herbal products, if you are pregnant, nursing, have high blood pressure, heart or thyroid disease, diabetes, difficulty in urination, taking a Mao inhibitor, or any other prescription drug, or have any medical condition requiring a physician’s care. Always keep all herbal products, including HPVI, out of the reach of children.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Diagnosis of STDs Can Adversely Impact Relationships - Find Out What You Can Do About It

Frequently I have encountered patients who are understandably concerned about when or where they were exposed to the HPV virus (or other STD's) and are anxiously desiring answers. I have spent many hours counseling patients on this subject and what is most disturbing to me is that I will often find patients wanting answers to “their" concerns only so they can call their partners who are awaiting an explanation.

I see women burdened with the task of trying to find a plausible explanation for an abnormal finding on a routine exam or a “symptom" that brought them to their health care provider. It is tragic to see this, since in many cases the problem should no more be a concern of hers than her partner's.

Women are often times more involved with the health care system starting at an early age ......menstrual problems , birth control issues, pregnancy and most notably: routine screening procedures (ie. pap smears , STD testing). This can inherently make women appear to be the origin of problems in a relationship, when in fact, they are simply the first one to bring a medical problem in a relationship to the attention of a health care provider..... an abnormal test result (pap smear) or the clinical manifestation of a medical condition (pelvic infection).

When I am asked about the various “mutually-at-risk conditions" between partners ( herpes, HPV, chlamydia etc.), I explain to the patient what the condition is , as best I can, and give supporting literature to share with her partner. When there is any indication that the findings are affecting her relationship or being construed as her fault I will encourage an appointment along with her partner to address any disagreements or “misunderstandings" in the relationship that might have come about as a result of this finding.

There are patients who are truly shocked and devastated about their diagnosis and clearly are lacking the emotional support they need once they leave the office. It is stressful in itself to find out about any medical condition and when this is compounded by the fact that one is being unfairly accused of being the source of the problem it is even more difficult to deal with.

It is imperative for anyone dealing with this situation to get the answers that best explain her personal set of circumstances. This effort is well worth the time and leads to a far better mutual understanding in the relationship.

Lastly, one should not overlook a very important clinical matter relating to any new findings of this sort. It is important that the patient's partner be evaluated and treated when indicated. I have seen patients treated on more than one occasion for the same problem because the partner would not get evaluated/ treated. This should never happen and should prompt the patient to address any concerns in the relationship that might contribute to this problem.

This article is a general statement about the “burden of proof" often placed on women when dealing with STD's . I will deal with more specifics in the near future.
Douglas Penta MD

Saturday, March 27, 2010

HPV, Cancer and Vaccination

HPV stands for human papillomavirus and there are 100 types but only 13 of them are known to cause cancer, the others are harmless and cause problems such as warts. HPV is transmitted through intimate sexual contact such as sexual intercourse and a strain of HPV is thought to be present in at least half of all sexually active women. In fact 3000 women are diagnosed with the problem each year and approximately 1000 die each year.
Cervical cancer is rare in women under 25 and most women get the problem in their 30s or when they are older. So how does HPV lead to cervical cancer?

There are two particular strains of HPV (types 16 and 18) which cause over 70% of all cervical cancers in the UK. Although HPV infection is usually symptom free it can severely damage the lining of the cervix and repeat infection if left untreated can cause cervical cancer.   The Vaccination   The HPV vaccine protects against the two aforementioned types of the virus as these cause over 70% of cervical cancers.

It is estimated that the vaccine saves the lives of over 400 women per year. There are three doses of the vaccination needed spread over a 6 month period and it is necessary to have all three jabs to ensure best protection. The vaccine has undergone rigorous testing and is 100% completely safe, in fact this testing was a condition in the granting of the license. The vaccine will be offered to 12-13 year old girls from the autumn of 2008 and will be carried out by primary care trusts. Most girls will be given the vaccination in school and for older girls given at their local GP.

Many women are under the illusion that this eliminated the need for cervical screening however it is VITAL that all women go for cervical screening from the age of 25, vaccine or no vaccine. The cervical screening service offered by the NHS saves about 4500 lives a year and is offered to women up to the age of 25.  

For a comprehensive resource of health and fitness information, visit:

Friday, March 26, 2010

Ignorance of Cervical Cancer is No Excuse

The HPV virus info is plain. An estimated 80% occurrence of anal cancer is associated with those who have HPV. Other links of HPV with cancer are those of tongue and tonsil cancer, and non-melanoma skin cancers in those persons who have compromised immune systems. 200,000 infants and children are diagnosed with papillomatosis which is a respiratory infection linked to HPV types 6 and 11.

But the most devastating statistic is that HPV causes 100% of all the cervical cancers. HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33 and 35 are associated with cervical cancer. These high-risk viruses and are also linked to bladder, anus, and vulva cancer. 200,000 infants and children are diagnosed with papillomatosis, a respiratory infection linked with HPV types 6 and 11.

Although it is harder to diagnose the HPV virus in men as it is in females, males can also have HPV associated cancers as commonly as those found in women. Men contract the virus during sexual contact with an infected woman's vagina or anal area. Certain HPV viruses are known to have caused anal or penile cancers in men, although penile cancer is rare. Anal cancer rates connected with the HPV virus, as previously stated, are not rare at all.

Cervical dysplasia, while not cervical cancer, can indicate it's predecessor condition. Dysplasia most frequently goes through a regression over time, but can progress to invasive cervical cancer. Precisely why it regresses or progresses is unknown at this time. What is known is that women between the ages of 25 and 34 often have the regression, while women age fifty and older will progress to the invasive cancer of the cervix.

Prognosis for invasive cervical cancer depends on the disease's extent at time of diagnosis. Death rates for cervical cancer are high due; roughly 1/3 of women do not go for regular yearly Pap smears. Ignorance is no excuse to this virus.
Regular yearly Pap smears give women a better chance of diagnosing cervical cancer early enough to have a healthy outcome. Statistics tell us that up to 90% of cervical cancer deaths could have been avoided if earlier detection during Pap smears had occurred.

To learn about the cervical cancer stages and cell changes in HPV, visit today.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

How to Avoid an HPV Infection

Many people in the world who suffer from an HPV infection will be quite unaware of this fact. This is in large part due to the reason that even though someone has an HPV infection, they might not in fact, display any signs or symptoms of the HPV infection.

In fact some people can go through their lives with an HPV infection and never develop the signs. Unfortunately for quite a lot of people, they will display the signs and symptoms of their HPV infection, and since HPV is highly contagious, there are also a great many people who will contract an HPV infection in their lifetimes.

HPV, or the Human Papilloma Virus as it is also known, comes in four different major forms. These are, Plantar warts (such as Verruca), Common warts, Acrochordons, and Genital warts. All of these strains of the HPV infection are contagious.

It should also perhaps be noted that an HPV infection can’t really be cured. The symptoms of it – generally in the form of warts – can be cured and removed using various methods. The actual HPV infection however will not be cured by any of these methods.

The immune system will need to fight the HPV infection off by itself. And as the immune system can sometimes take up to two to three years to get the HPV infection out of its system, a person might be subject to more than one episode of recurrence as well.

To date there has been found roughly over a hundred different strains of the HPV infection. This in turn means that even if you successfully fight off the initial HPV infection, you still stand a chance of getting a different type of HPV.

This is because each strain of HPV is different, and although you might now have the antibodies to fight off one particular strain of HPV, you don’t have immunity against all of them.

There really is no need to worry about this however. Even though there is no cure as such for an HPV infection, there are various different preventative measures which you can take to help you ward off an infection.

These are very simple and for the most part will involve nothing more strenuous than changing your lifestyle to something which is healthier. A few other precautions taken on your part – especially in the case of a genital HPV – means that you have a better than even chance of avoiding an HPV infection.

About the author:
Muna wa Wanjiru is a web administrator and has been researching and reporting on internet marketing for years. For more information on HPV infection, visit his site at HPV INFECTION  

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Testing Methods Which Can Help A Physician in Diagnosis Of HPV Warts

HPV infection can be dorminant in your body for such a long time unnoticed because its signs and symptoms in most cases do not manifest themselves.

For many people who contact HPV infections, it becomes quite difficult to be diagonised owing to the fact that sometimes the signs of HPV warts are so invisible to the naked eye and due to lack of any signs or symptoms of the warts,one does not see the urgency of going for a check up.

This is the reason why there are various methods to aid the physician in diagnosis of whether or not a person has genital HPV warts.

Visual examination is the most common method of testing HPV genital warts.A medical proffessional will be able to determine if a person has HPV genital warts through visual exam.

One could not exactly be displaying the physical signs of HPV genital warts,but they could probably display other more common genital HPV signs associated with it which will definately lead the doctor go to the next step.

This could include daubbing some acetic acid(vinegar solution)to the suspected area.If the skin turns white,it shows that HPV warts are present and could not be seen with the naked eye.

Depening on other factors too,like the position of the HPV genital warts or size and severity of the same, the physician may result to tests like cervical pap smear,colposcopy or swab tests.

This HPV tests are not tedious,do not take time to perform and the results come out almost immediately therefore one does not agonise on the outcome for a long time which means that the doctor can offer counselling there and then.

HPV warts are highly contagious and one should seek a medical exam as soon as you display any signs and symptoms.

Bleeding during intercourse, a burning sensation or itching in the genital area, small red or pink flesh swellings which take the shape of a cauliflower,could be some of the signs that will come along with the HPV infection.

So sexual intercourse at this stage should be avoided at all costs, be it vaginal,anal or oral sex.This will reduce the chances and break the chain of it spreading to unsuspecting partners.

HPV warts are spread through coming into contact with the skin of an infected person.

More so the spread can be caused by clothes and materials like towels of an infected person.When laundering such garments,lots of care should be observed and done separately.

When a person has been diagonised with HPV warts, its of great importance to take there partners for a HPV test too for maximum results.

About the author:
Wangeci Kinyanjui has been researching and reporting on Health Matters for years. For more information on HPV warts, visit her site at   HPV WARTS  

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Should Young Aldults Receive a HPV vaccine

Clearly too much has been said and done about HPV medicines and treatments.Now it is time we think about the less talked about HPV vaccine.

It is just recently that an HPV vaccine was given a nod by FDA to be used among other forms of HPV treatment.

As more and more teenagers and preteens engage in sexual activities,HPV or Human Papilloma Virus which is termed as a sexually transmitted disease has become a major concern to many parents in the world.

HPV is highly contagious and a vaccine for it could be percieved as a relief to both parents and the young adult.

It is well known that HPV infection has no cure but with such a viable project in the name of HPV vaccine on the way,the possibility of HPV spread and reinfection is seen to reduce a great deal.

Thanks to FDA for in June 2006 the first ever HPV vaccine was approved.Gardasil has become a household name in the medical circles as an HPV vaccine which has proved to be as effective as other methods of HPV treatments which for the time being is used atleast by women.

Cervarix is another HPV vaccine used on women and was awaiting for the FDA approval as at the end of 2006.

Research shows that Gardasil is a vaccine which is recommended to be administered to young girls between the ages of 9 to 26 in a number of three dosages before the onset of sexual relationships.

Naturally this becomes a reason for concern in parents with girls especially.An HPV vaccine for men is yet to be established although Gardasil is still being tested on them all the same.

As there are two sides to a coin, parents on the other hand are afraid that administering these vaccines at such a tender age is going to encourage promiscuity among the young adults at a time when they are so vulnerable and probability of giving up to peer pressure so high.

According to many this could be sending the wrong message to the young generation.Would you rather have to live with an HPV infected child or would you opt to take them for an HPV vaccine?The newst intrigue added to the whole senario is that there is lobbying to make HPV vaccine a mandatory one.

This in turn complicates the whole issue and parents are left with little choice on whether to take their child to recieve the HPV vaccine or not.

About the author:
Wangeci Kinyanjui has been researching and reporting on Health Matters for years. For more information on HPV vaccine, visit her site at  HPV VACCINE  

Monday, March 22, 2010

Improving Your Immune System to Fight HPV Symptoms

HPV also known as Human Papilloma Virus are more than 100 types.A little known fact about the HPV is that,the symptoms are treatable while the virus itself is not curable.

Human Papilloma Virus is the known cause of Genital warts,Plantar warts,common hand warts,Flat warts and juvenile warts.

In infected people,HPV symptoms might manifest themselves at an early stage or at a later date depending on the condition of your immunity at the time of the infection.

It is very important therefore to maintain a healthy lifestyle at all times in order to have a good immune system that will fight the virus incase it shows up unexpectedly.

In other words your antibodies need to be alert and in good working order because the fight is internal.This could be an uphill task for anyone who could be having a weak immune system and fighting the HPV symptoms becomes an unattainable target.

HPV symptoms come in many forms like Pink, or flesh colored lesions,moisture of the affected area, itching of the affected areas or a burning sensation on the affected area.

sometimes you will find single or multiple warts appearing,muscle pains, swollen glands, fever,backaches and headaches. Unfortunately not everbody will display this HPV signs and symptoms and one could be walking around with the virus unknowingly.

When the HPV symptoms manifests itself in form of warts,again it does not mean there will be pain and discomfort definately experienced.

Warts as a result of HPV vary in appearance and size.They may look similar to small parts of a cauliflower, or may be very tiny and difficult to see or large, raised lesions,Although HPV is not curable,one can opt for their removal or go for the prescribed medication.

There are various ways that can be used to achieve your goal.over-the-counter medications are available too but not recommended for use without a doctors attention.This is because of their strong nature and dangerous to use in sensitive areas such as the genitals.

The better the immune system, the faster the healing process.As soon as you are diagonised with the HPV symptoms start building on your immune system for prescise results.Do not forget that this also depends on the overall health of your body

About the author:
Wangeci Kinyanjui has been researching and reporting on Health Matters for years. For more information on HPV symptoms, visit her site at:HPV SYMPTOMS  

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Four Clinical Symptoms-Penis Warts

Genital warts in men are also called penile warts or condyloma because they are found on the penis- usually on the tip of it. Though they are also referred to as penis warts, they do affect other parts of men's body, such as anal area and around the penile organ. This is a condition that is caused by a virus known as human papillomavirus which is transmitted through sexual or skin contact. Penis warts count for the most frequent sexually transmitted medical condition on the planet and do not fall into a group of deadly infections.

Warts come in many shapes and sizes.

There are many types of warts, each type formed by a different strain of the virus. Healthy individuals who regularly take in vitamins are much more likely to overcome penis warts fast and for good than others who neglect fruits and vegetables in their diet. Therefore, you would find different manifestation in different cases- some times the warts would resemble small lesions and sometimes you could find these as large lumps of flesh single or in a group. Unless they are removed and treated in time, these warts would over time become uncomfortable and painful.

Ways to recognize penis warts.

The warts appear on the tip of the penis and while initially they are small and unobtrusive, they would gradually grow in size and number. To be on the sure side one could browse different blogs and websites for free penis warts photos which will give you a pretty good insight into how exactly a HPV infection looks like.

Majority of people suffering from penis warts will be subject to one or more of the following symptoms, which do come with the HPV infection:

1. The urge to scratch you on the area affected is one of the most common signs of penis warts.

The first really annoying symptom of itchiness is being accompanied with more and more repetitions of scratching which consequently makes penis warts even more itchy and irritated.

2. Humidity is the next symptom that you should consider as one of the accompanying signs for genital warts- the area where warts appear is unusually wet or humid.

The difficulty is that no matter what you do, penis warts will still produce moisture and there is hardly any method to dry the infected region. It is good to know that warts flourish best in regions with high humidity, therefore moisture and damp is the preferred microclimate for this infection.

3. Burning- if left untreated for a longer period, the itchiness would change into burning sensation which would bring the uncomfortable level a notch higher.

Postponing the treatment of penis warts can resolve into dangerous HPV infection of the genital or anal tract, causing considerable pain when the nature calls. When this happens, there is a good possibility that the warts have found their way inside the body (urethra or anus).

4. Explosion of wars- HPV virus is infection which firstly seems to be taking its time to show those first symptoms, but then suddenly explodes, seeding new warts daily and the existing ones seem to be growing into disgustful forms with unimaginable speed.

The warts could be single or they could appear in a group which would give it an appearance of a cauliflower. Fourth phase of the human papilloma virus infection, the phase of multiplication, is the final call for you to visit the doctor and get immediate expert medical treatment of penis warts.

Getting in grip this mean infection means timely responding to the first symptoms and immediately calling for doctor's help. In the meantime, ensure that you include green and red vegetables in your diet as well as add vitamin supplements as these would boost your immune system and help overcoming the effects of the virus. 

About the author:
HPV infection resulting in male genital warts is difficult do diagnose immediately after the infection. Therefore it is crucial to know Penis Warts Symptoms before the disease becomes complicated for home treatment or even spreads on the urethra and anus. 

Article Source:

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Four Different Treatments Of Plantar's Warts

Plantar's Warts-What Is The Best Treatment Available

Would you be able to tell the difference between a wart and a mole? Are planter warts any different than other warts? One starts to ask himself millions of questions when facing planter warts infection for the first time. Identifying a wart is far from easy as it can be mistaken for a mole. There are couple of ways to tell the difference; one of them is observing the colour of the wart, as this normally changes from fleshy skin colour in the initial stage to darker and cauliflower shaped wart, considerably standing out from the usual characteristics of your skin moles.

What are plantar's warts

By plantar's warts it is meant the warts that appear on the sole of the feet (or plantar). With no expert knowledge on plantar's warts people tend to think warts are all spreading from the initial wart, which than separates itself to grow other warts nearby. Medical science have proven those concerns to be wrong decades ago. All wart infections are caused by a virus, but this virus firstly has to come into your body and than manifesting itself as one or more warts on your feet.

Plantar's warts medication

Couple of factors have to get together if the verruca vulgaris viruses are to build warts on your feet. It is highly probable that you will feel the warts before you will be able to recognise them with your eyes. Since this is situated right on the sole of the feet, such warts are extremely painful. Most people prefer to by-pass the doctor and use over-the-counter medicines based on the advertisement that see each day on TV and other media.

Foot sole is a very sensitive part of our skin with hundreds of nerves going along the whole sole, therefore treating the plantar's warts should be done with care and precision. It takes some time to get rid of plantars warts, brute force can make you end up in unimaginable pain for cutting through the gentle skin on your sole. However there is no smarter way to fight foot warts than seeing your doctor and asking him to guide you through the healing process successfully.

Other ways to cure plantar's warts

When simple remedies do not work, it is time to apply more advanced technology to get rid of the warts. Some hi-fi alternatives are laser surgery or chemical applications which would dissolve the wart. Those kinds of medical interventions will make fresh ground for virus free cells to take over.

Cryotherapy is another highly advanced technique for getting rid of warts-especially plantar's warts which are more than half in than outside. This process involves that the wart(s) would be frozen with liquid nitrogen which not only fights effectively against the virus, but also results in the wart blackening and falling off within almost no time.

The last resort for extremely stubborn cases of plantar's warts is getting them cut out by a simple but still unpleasant surgical procedure. Surgical removal of warts is possible, though highly contraindicated mostly because such surgeries leave in their wake bad scars which could be as painful as the warts were before the surgery. Local anaesthesia is a standard for warts surgery, but the end result can be acute pain and scars for the rest of your life.

About the author:
Removing foot warts instantly can be as easy as clicking over to Getting rid of plantar's warts, a popular plantar's warts expert resource.

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Hpv Infection

Time to get started on this topic. Take a few moments to read every aspect of this paper hopefully it will be of great help.Many people in the world who endure from an HPV infection will be rather unaware of this fact. This is in large part due to the cause that even though human has an HPV infection, they might not in fact, expose any signs or symptoms of the HPV infection.In fact some people can go through their lives with an HPV infection and never develop the signs. Unfortunately for quite a a lot of people, they will showing the signs and symptoms of their HPV infection, and since HPV is highly contagious, there are also a great many people who will contract an HPV infection in their lifetimes.HPV, or the Human Papilloma Virus as it is also known, comes in four another(a) major forms. These are, Plantar warts (such as Verruca), Common warts, Acrochordons, and Genital warts. All of these strains of the HPV infection are contagious.It should also possibly be noted that an HPV infection can’t rattling be cured. The symptoms of it – by and large in the form of warts – can be cured and abstracted Using various methods. The actual HPV infection however will not be cured by any of these methods. To date there has been found roughly over a hundred different strains of the HPV infection. This in turn means that even if you successfully fight off the initial HPV infection, you still stand a chance of getting a different type of HPV....please continue on a site that is all about this topic and other related information that is updated constantly we want to bring you best and more...I’am glad you have found this article I hope you found the information useful.

About the author:
Michael Malega presents several hpv infection articles for your information. You can visit Michael's web site here Hpv Infection 

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Various Testing Methods Which Can Help Physicians to Diagnose HPV Warts

When a person contracts the HPV infection, at times it can be difficult to diagnose it as such. This is due to the fact that some people might not display the physical signs of HPV warts, or they might not display the signs in a clearly visible area.

It can also happen that some signs of HPV warts are mild and not visible to the naked eye. For all of these cases there are various testing methods which can help physicians to diagnose whether or not a person has genital HPV warts.

The most common method of testing for genital HPV warts is through a visual examination. The physician will be able to determine through a visual exam whether a person might have genital HPV or not.

If however, the person is not displaying the physical signs in the form of HPV warts, but displays some of the other more commonly associated signs of genital HPV, the physician will proceed to the next step.

Depending on a variety of factors this can be a cervical smear, or a colposcopic exam. In some cases the physician will first daub some acetic acid over the suspected area. This in turn will turn white any HPV warts which may be present in the skin but which are not readily discernible to the eye.

This state of being almost invisible can arise as result of the HPV warts being small, or even flat in size and appearance. For the most part though, HPV warts will be largish in size and sometimes have a cauliflower like appearance.

Some HPV warts will be flesh colored lesions, while others might take on the appearance of an angry red rash at first. HPV warts come in all shapes and sizes, just as HPV warts testing methods comes in a variety of forms. These go from scientific medical treatment methods to natural, folk or home remedies.

HPV warts are highly contagious though, so if a person displays signs of warts they should have a medical examination as soon as possible. Sexual intercourse should also be avoided with a partner who has genital HPV warts, and this includes vaginal sex, anal sex, and oral sex.

HPV warts spread through skin to skin contact and so can spread to a partner if sexual intercourse is not avoided until the infected person is cured of HPV warts. It’s also a good idea not to use or share the towel or other personal items such as clothing of a person who has genital HPV warts.

This state of affairs should continue until the HPV warts have been cured or removed. Any toweling, clothing and linen which came into contact with the infected areas should be laundered separately for maximum effect.

About the author:
Muna wa Wanjiru is a web administrator and has been researching and reporting on internet marketing for years. For more information on HPV warts, visit his site at HPV WARTS

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Natural Treatments For Removing Warts

Most people get warts somewhere on their bodies at some point in their lives. Common warts, sometimes called planters warts or plantar warts, are caused by more than thirty different varieties of the human papilloma virus (HPV). They can grow anywhere on the body, including on the hands, feet, face and genitals. Sometimes warts disappear spontaneously after a few weeks or months due to the action of the immune system, but treatment may be necessary to eliminate others.

HPV is contagious, and it is possible to spread warts by direct contact with the infected area, or by other means such as wet towels. Other conditions can sometimes look like warts, so if you have any doubt you should see a physician before attempting self-treatment. If you have genital warts, you should see a physician in case you have been infected by one of the specific types of virus that can induce cancer.

Most warts are not dangerous, but they can be painful and unsightly. Most people prefer to get rid of them. Fortunately, there are several treatment options that work. Many natural wart remedies do not require the care of a physician. For more serious cases, a doctor may be able to treat the condition with any of several types of prescription drugs.
One of the most common and effective treatments for warts on the bottoms of the feet is salicylic acid. This compound is found in the bark of the willow tree, and can be purchased in most drug stores in the form of liquid or patches that can be cut to fit over the wart. With daily application, this treatment can usually eliminate warts in a period of a few weeks. Other natural treatments work well for many people, and most of them are safe to use to treat even children, as long as the warts are in a location that makes treatment easy, such as the fingers or the bottoms of the feet.

A recent relatively natural approach that may be beneficial is to cover the wart with duct tape. The tape is changed twice per day and the procedure is followed for several weeks. In some studies, this approach has proven effective, while other studies have shown only mixed results.

Doctors will often use cryotherapy (spraying the affected area with liquid nitrogen) for wart removal, but in many cases the wart will grow back a few weeks after the skin has healed. Some studies show that this treatment is no more effective than a placebo.

There are a number of herbs and herbal products that can be used to treat warts. These include extracts of birch bark, preparations made from bloodroot, and castor bean oil. There have been reports that basil contains antiviral compounds, and that rubbing crushed basil leaves on a wart and then covering it with a bandage is beneficial.
Warts often return after treatments that initially appeared successful, so it is often necessary to try several different approaches to find what works best in each individual case.

Visit our website to learn more about at natural wart removal and home wart remedies For articles on a variety of health and medical subjects in terms anyone can understand, visit us at

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Genital HPV and Genital Warts – An Overview

To put it plainly and simply, genital HPV is a sexually transmitted disease. And although it’s not transmitted by the exchange of bodily fluids during sexual intercourse, it is transmitted through skin to skin contact. And when the warts are in or on your genital area, there’s only a very few other ways that it can be transmitted. Hence the reason for it being classified as a sexually transmitted disease.

There’s also the little fact that the more contact you have with different sexual partners, the more likely it is that you will get genital HPV. In fact, studies conducted over the years have shown that approximately 18-20% of the population suffers from genital HPV and that number is growing yearly. Of this twenty percent of people though, only about 4% receive treatment.

This is because, that for the most part, people aren’t even aware that they have genital HPV since they might have no visible signs or symptoms of it. It could also be because some people might feel embarrassed to admit they have genital HPV and won’t seek any medical attention. Then there’s the case where people will treat themselves using natural home remedies and herbal cures.

If you have genital HPV and are looking to cure yourself, the one thing that I can tell you before you go any further is if you’re thinking about using any of the readily available over-the-counter treatments, then don’t. These are good for the other types of warts caused by the HPV infection, but for genital HPV it’s a strong and resolute no-no.

The skin around your genital area is very sensitive and these methods of curing genital HPV can be harsh. They can sting and burn, and they can irritate you unbearably. The one thing they won’t do however is to cure and rid you of your warts. Other remedies, should also be used with care, and if in doubt as to whether it will be what you need you should consult with your physician beforehand.

About the author:
Muna wa Wanjiru is a web administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on Curing Genital Warts for Years. For More Information on Genital HPV, Visit His Site at Genital HPV 

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Genital Warts 4 Simple Home Remedies For Self Treatment

For health problems that are not yet that severe, home remedies are usually the first solution that a lot of people take. These home remedies are fine to use as long as you are completely knowledgeable regarding their proper application.
Aside from the financial considerations and ease of use, genital warts often first treated using home remedies in order to save the sufferer from the potential painless and embarrassing consultation session with the doctor. In general, these home remedies for genital warts involve the use of ingredients that are readily available and may be found in your kitchen.

1) A popular home remedy that has been proven effective for all kinds of warts is bleach. It should be applied directly to your genital warts two to three times a day. People claim that after a week of using this treatment, the warts will fall off.
2) Another home remedy for different kinds of warts is a mixture of baking soda and castor oil. Like bleach, the solution is applied directly to the genital warts. Multiple applications are needed in order to completely get rid of the warts. Note, however, that baking soda might irritate the skin in the genital area. If this happens, just use castor oil. To further enhance this home remedy, you may tape a slice of fresh garlic of the genital warts and leave it overnight. Doing so will help the warts fall off faster. You may also use a banana peel patch. Similar to what you would do with garlic, tape a banana peel over your genital warts and leave it for the rest of the night.
3) Some people also claim that the use of vitamins will help eliminate genital warts. Buy a few vitamin A or beta-carotene capsules and pinch them with a needle. Apply the liquid directly to your genital warts once or twice a day. You may also use vitamin E oil on the affected area and tape some crushed garlic over your warts. Some claim that when this is done everyday, your genital warts will fall off within one week.
4) Onion can also be used as a remedy for genital warts. Rub some salt over a few onion slices and leave them overnight. Then, extract the juice from the onion slices and apply it to your warts thrice a day until they disappear. You may also use fig stem extract and apply it two to three times a day. Apple cider is also effective. Using a cotton ball, gently apply it to the warts. Aloe can also help eliminate genital warts. Apply its extract directly on your warts. You will find that aside from removing warts, this will soothe the affected area. GP

It is important to know, however, that a lot of medical practitioners do not approve of self-treatment of genital warts. They warn against the harm that some of the substances contained in home remedies may cause. When not used properly and with imprecision, these home remedies may irritate the genital area, which is a very sensitive region. They may also cause harm to the nearby healthy tissues.

For more information, kindly visit Genital Warts Support Team - a health resource dedicated to providing factual information about Genital Warts Related topics including “Prevention of Genital Warts", Are Genital Warts Curable? and more.