Sunday, January 31, 2010

What You Need to Know About Legislation on Hpv Vaccine

There has been talk of a vaccine which is purported to cure hpv. Hpv or human Papilloma Virus is the cause of a very contagious sexually transmitted condition called genital warts. The virus is now preventable with a new vaccine which is being marketed as the best prevention for hpv in man. Legislation on hpv vaccine has been a hot bed of ethical debate ever since the vaccine was launched. Let us look through some of the highlights of the vaccine's journey.

The United States has seen many health departments in various states making compulsory legislation on hpv vaccine. Most states have made vaccination for teenage girls free. The states, in most cases have also tried to disseminate information regarding the condition to one and all, so that the vaccine may be availed by all girls and women who are susceptible to the virus. Currently there is just one vaccine which has been approved by the Federal Drug Authority (FDA) for use to prevent hpv in man. This is Gradasil manufactured by the pharmaceutical major, Merkk. The vaccine protects its users against four of the commonest strains of the virus. Other pharmaceutical companies are coming out with their own versions of the vaccine, of which Cervarix manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline is awaiting approval by the FDA.

The fundamental question one would ask is what sparked off sudden legislation on hpv vaccine? This was initiated by a recommendation from the national Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) in the United States. In June 2006, the authority recommended routine vaccination against hpv for girls between 11 and 12 years of age. These girls are in school and were supposed to be targeted before they became sexually active. Girls in this age group are in school and the onus for implementing school vaccinations rests on state legislatures and their respective health departments.

The debate on legislation on hpv vaccine now comes under the scanner when it has to be implemented in schools. The wide availability of the vaccine is a boon but there is still an opposition to the introduction of the vaccine in school mandates. This is mainly because of issues like the vaccine's cost, its safety in children and the parents' right to refuse vaccination for their child. Concerns about financing this costly vaccine are also being cited as a point against introducing it in schools. There are also questions raised about the need for insurance like Medicaid to cover such a vaccine.

Amid all the objections and concerns raised about the introduction and use of vaccine amongst children, the United States has allowed the vaccine to be easily accessible to one and all. The Center for Disease Control has announced that the vaccine will be available in all states through the federally funded program Vaccines for Children. The scope for coverage under this program is children between nine and eighteen years of age who are insured with Medicaid, Native-American, Alaskan-American and some under- and un-insured children.

Karl Dorads - About the Author:
You can visit our website for more information about Genital warts and Genital Warts Treatments. We have a lot of articles about Genital Warts, Genital Wart Medication, Genital Wart Removal, Genital Wart Symptoms...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

How Green Tea Can Help With HPV

There are many different strains of the Human Papillomavirus. To date, there are over one hundred to be exact! It has been estimated that up to thirty of these strains can lead to the onset of cervical cancer. Then, of course, there are types that can lead to the development of irritations on the skin, warts on the skin, and even genital warts. This is a relatively common strain of viruses, as it turns out. Approximately thirty million individuals in the United States alone have a strain of this type of virus. Conclusive evidence indicates that once an individual has this type of virus for approximately two to three years, the immune system clears it up automatically. Here, I will review how green tea can help with HPV.

The Health Benefits of Green Tea

There are many health benefits of green tea. This type of beverage is believed to be loaded with a large number of antioxidants. This beverage is an effective means of preventing several different health complications. The following details some of the conditions and diseases that green tea has proven to be successful in preventing:

1. Men who drink this beverage on a regular basis have been found to have less of a chance of developing prostate cancer.

2. For individuals who suffer from high blood counts, green tea can effectively reduce the count to a healthy number.

3. Those that are risk for serious conditions like heart attack and stroke, this substance may play an important role in the prevention of these serious conditions.

4. Drinking this tea on a regular basis may assist in the prevention of arteriosclerosis.

5. Cerebral thrombus has been successfully prevented with this beverage.

6. Those that stand a chance of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease reduce their chances drastically by ingesting this substance.

7. Green tea is very effective when it comes to burning fat and increasing the overall metabolism in the body.

8. The immune system may receive an optimization by ingesting the ingredients that are part of the tea.

9. This has been found to reduce the amount of infections that the body experiences. HPV is just one of these infections.

10. The overall maintenance of the body is drastically increased when an individual ingests this type of tea.

The Dangers of the HPV Vaccine

We see the commercials and we hear the advertisements...all people - especially women - should get the HPV Vaccine. Mostly women because cervical cancer is a common side effect of HPV. Unfortunately, most of us do not hear about the dangers associated with the HPV vaccine. The following represent some of the complications that have been associated with this vaccine:

1. Not all strains of HPV are covered by the vaccine, so in many cases it is completely ineffective.

2. The vaccine may actually weaken the immune system.

3. Nearly 10,000 complaints have been filed against the vaccine, called "Gardasil". These complaints are due to the adverse side effects that occurred once the vaccine was administered.

4. At the date in which this is being written, it has been estimated that approximately twenty people have died as a result of the Gardasil vaccine for HPV.

5. The manufacturer of this particular vaccine is completed protected from lawsuits that have to do with untimely deaths as a direct result of having the vaccine performed.

6. Many untimely deaths are a direct result of symptoms such as blood clots, cardiac rest, and even respiratory failure. There are a number of deaths that are contributed to causes that are considered to be unknown.

Cervical Cancer Prevention

There are a number of ways that cervical cancer can be prevented, apart from indulging in the HPV vaccine. The following lists some strategies:

1. The HPV infection is sexually transmitted, so it is important to properly protect yourself during intercourse.

2. Learn the early symptoms of both HPV and cervical cancer.

3. Consume a large amount of green tea.

4. Take the steps necessary to increase the effectiveness of the immune system.

5. Engage in a healthy diet and exercise program.


If you are battling HPV, it is much more effective to avoid the HPV vaccine and do things that are healthy to combat this condition. Drinking green tea and building the immune system with healthy foods and an exercise program are the best steps.
Gaetane Ross - About the Author:
Gaetane Ross is a Certified Natural Health Consultant who has spent over 4 years focusing on Nutrition and Health. She also specializes in Alternative Medicine, Spiritual Healing and Healthy Lifestyle.

Friday, January 29, 2010

What are the Hpv Symptoms?

HPV also called The Human Papilloma Virus can manifest in multiple forms such as:

- Plantar Warts
- Common Warts
- Flat Warts
- Genital Warts

The HPV symptoms associated with each of these can vary enormously but also contains similarities.

Before going into details about the various HPV symptoms, I think it is important to warn you. The first thing you should do if you suspect you are suffering from any of the HPV symptoms is to seek medical help. This condition is very infectious and can spread very fast. You should also be aware that although the symptoms can be treated, the actual Virus is incurable.

The fight against the virus itself will have to take place internally. You immune system is the one you will need to fight against this virus. The bad news is that this fight can last a couple of years for your immune system to overcome the virus.

During this time you will probably display HPV symptoms and other signs. For a few of the HPV sufferers there will be no display of the HPV symptoms. These people will go around for a few years without even showing any signs of it.

In most of the cases the symptoms of HPV will display in the forms of warts.

Here are a few of the symptoms:

- Pink or flesh colored lesions
- Single or multiple instances of warts
- Moisture on the affected area
- Itching
- Burning sensation

As for the warts, an infected person can have them without even experience any discomfort. In those cases the infected person will display a wart or multiple warts without even having any of the other HPV symptoms.

On the other hand, depending on the type of warts you have, some people will experience extreme pain in the affected area. The warts will also have different aspects such as:

- large
- small
- raised lesions
- flat

They can be singular or in some cases they can spread to multiple warts. In such cases they can take the appearance of a cauliflower.

Although the virus itself cannot be cured you can surely cure or remove the HPV symptoms.

There are multiple ways to help you accomplish this task. Probably the most commonly used is the surgical procedure. On top of that there are of course the use of natural medications and home remedies. Lately the uses of home remedies or “folk remedies” are becoming very popular to cure HPV symptoms.

There is of course the use of over-the-counter medicine. Note: The use of this kind of medicine can help you get rid of your HPV symptoms but it is very important to avoid using them if you are suffering from genital warts. This type of medication is way to strong to be applied in such a sensitive area.

If you are suffering from genital warts then the use of prescription medication is one way to go. The medication to use will depend on your preference but mostly on the type of HPV infection.

Frederic Madore - About the Author:
If you are suffering from HPV symptoms and would like more information about herpes and genital warts, visit my website for more quality information. We offer the best herpes and Genital Warts Treatments available online.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

HPV Vaccine: A Topic Of Interest For Every Woman

Researchers have been hard at work developing a vaccine for human papilloma virus. HPV is an STD that affects millions of people each year. Although many cases of HPV will clear up without treatment there is a concern because HPV is the leading cause of cervical cancer. With the introduction of the HPV vaccine many women can be assured that their chances of developing this serious form of cancer will be reduced.

Considering that in the United States alone the incidence of HPV infection in women aged between 18 and 22 is 50%, it's obvious that a vaccine could have a significant impact. In many other under-developed countries this percentage is much higher and with limited access to medical treatment 80% of the world's cervical cancer deaths occur in these countries.

Some of the factors regarding HPV vaccine that need to be taken into consideration are:

* The age at which vaccination should occur. Some medical experts argue that the HPV vaccine should be administered to young women before they become sexually active. This would mean the HPV vaccine would be given at a fairly young age which has upset many people. They view the HPV vaccine as a signal to these young women that they can be sexually active without worry of STDs.

* Pap smears still need to be done. Women need to remain vigilant about their annual Pap test even after receiving the vaccine. Although the HPV vaccine can reduce the incidence of cervical cancer it is certainly not the only cause. A Pap smear can detect any abnormalities early which allows for the highest rate of survival in women who do have pre-cancerous or cancerous cells.

The cost of the HPV vaccine is also heavily debated. Although many researchers view it as a necessity and instrumental in the sexual health of women, it is a concern in underdeveloped countries where the resources just aren't available.

The HPV vaccine could certainly add to a woman's health arsenal. As with any STD, prevention is truly the key. When a woman employs safe sex practices along with an annual Pap smear and the HPV vaccine she has a fighting chance against cervical cancer.

Carmen Peralta - About the Author:
Carmen Peralta is a staff writer for HPV channel guide and a member Herpes Dating website

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

HPV - the Human Papilloma Virus and Cervical Cancer

HPV is the abbreviation used for human papilloma virus. HPV causes the disease known as genital warts but it also causes cervical cancer. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the world today.

There are many different types of HPV and not all types cause the wart like lesions to appear in the genital area. In fact most people who have this sexually transmitted disease do not know they have it.

Statistics suggest that up to 50% of sexually active adults will aquire HPV in their lifetime. A robust immune system will most likely be able to take care of the initial HPV infection so you may never even know that you had it. If you were infected with the type of HPV that causes genital warts you may see the wart like lesions around the genital area, including on the shaft of the penis and the anal area. Women with genital warts may not see any lesions at all if they are confined to the vagina.

The strains of HPV that cause genital warts are classed as low risk viruses whereas the strains that cause cervical cancer are classed as a "high risk".
The link between cervical cancer and sexual activity was first suspected when the observation was made (1841) that nuns were never diagnosed wtih cervical cancer. At the same time it was noted that cervical cancer was more common in women who were prostitutes. A link between pappilloma viruses and cancer was found in research on rabbits but it was not until the human papilloma virus was identified that the link to HPV and cervical cancer was made. This occurred in the late 1970's.

Both the Canadian and American Cancer Society lists other risk factor for cervical cancer as long term exposure to female hormones such as those found in birth control pills, smoking, HIV infection, exposure to certain hormones such as diethylstilbestrol (DES), and genetic factors.

Cervical Cancer

The cervix is the opening of the uterus. When infected with the high risk human papilloma virus strains these cells can become cancerous. Women over 30 are at more risk to develop cervical cancer suggesting that it takes some time for the cancerous changes to occur after the HPV infection. Not all women who are infected with the human papilloma virus will go on to develop cervical cancer.

In the United States cervical cancer is more prevalent among the Hispanic and Black populations who also have a higher mortality from the disease. In Canada higher rates of cervical cancer are seen among the older (ages 40-59), immigrant, aboriginal, and lower socio-economic populations. In both countries it is thought that rates are higher among these populations because of lack of screening, which results in detection at a much later stage of the disease.

The number of deaths from cervical cancer in the last 50 years has decreased dramatically because of the ability to diagnose the disease early with the Pap test. This test bears the name of its originator George Papanikolaou. It is a simple test that requires a sample of cells from the cervix. The tissue is sent to a laboratory for examination under a microspope. Cancerous changes can be detected very early this way and early diagnosis improves success rates for treatment.


When diagnosed early enough cervical cancer can be treated by removing the cancerous cells. This may range from removal of cells confined to the cervix to a complete hysterectomy depending on how advanced the cancer is and whether or not it has spread to lymphatic tissue.


You can lower your risk of developing cervical cancer by limiting the number of sexual contacts and knowing your partner's HPV status. If you are sexually active and not in a monogamous relationship you should use a barrier method of protection with every sexual encounter and undergo regular screening as part of your routine health examination. It is recommended that sexually active women should have a gynecological exam with a Pap smear every three years to age 69.

HPV vaccine

Vaccines have recently come on the market that provide protection from two strains of high risk HPV. Health officials are recommending all young women be vaccinated before they beome sexually active. The vaccine is provided free of charge to girls in most provinces in Canada. Many states in the US are attempting to pass legislation requiring the vaccine but to date only 3 have been successful in getting legislation passed.

Beverly OMalley - About the Author:
Beverly Hansen OMalley is a nurse who is passionate about health promotion. Visit where Bev explores the uniqueness of the nursing profession in Canada including comparison of nurse salary across the country, preparation for the Canadian nursing entrance test and how to become a nurse in Canada if you graduated in another country.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Different Ways and Means by Which you Can Get Genital Hpv

I’ve listed the number of different ways and means by which you can get genital HPV. These are the most common and the most known about ways of contracting genital HPV. Genital HPV is known to be a sexually transmitted disease, so if you do develop genital warts you and your partner should both get a thorough checkup before proceeding any further.
There is no hard and fast method to curing genital warts.

The one thing that you should avoid though, is the use of any of the over-the-counter medications which are used for other strains of HPV elsewhere on the body.

I’ve listed the different causes of contracting genital HPV first so that you can have a good look at everything that’s listed. There can be, and are, other methods by which you can get genital HPV warts, but as I said, these are the most common causes.

• Having oral, vaginal or anal sex with an genital HPV affected partner
• Having unprotected sexual intercourse
• Having sexual intercourse with more than one partner
• Having sexual intercourse with a partner who has, or has had, more than one sexual partner
• Starting sexual relations at an early age
• If you have a history of genital HPV infections
• If you have had genital warts once before
• If a pregnant woman has genital HPV, during childbirth in some rare cases, she may pass it on to the baby
• If you have, or have had, Herpes you are also a candidate for genital HPV
• Cigarette smoking and alcohol usage have also been linked to contracting genital HPV
• Use of steroids, or other drugs
• Oral Contraceptives
• In some rare cases genital HPV can be passed on by using the towel of an infected person
• Tanning beds, and other such items which aren’t cleaned properly can also in some cases pass on the infection
• Stress, coupled with another viral infection can also bring on genital warts
• Poor nutrition and hygiene

Muna wa Wanjiru - About the Author:
Muna wa Wanjiru is a web administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on Curing Genital Warts for Years. For More Information on Genital HPV, Visit His Site at Genital HPV

Monday, January 25, 2010

Genital Warts Information: Is There an Effective HPV Natural Remedy?

There are currently only a few in-patient treatment methods that doctors have procured for treating genital warts that grow on the surface of your body. Most of these treatment methods are very embarrassing for the patient and can be very painful. Even more frightening is that many times they require frequent treatment in order to be successful. And to add more to this muster, even if the warts clear, that does not mean that another outbreak of different warts cannot occur, requiring more treatment.

Current methods of treating HPV:

1.    Doctors can freeze off the genital warts using a lengthy, costly and very painful and embarrassing process of applying liquid nitrogen. This typically requires several visits and the healing process can take weeks for the blisters to fully heal.
2.    Doctors can inject certain chemicals into the warts, administering local anesthesia first to numb the pain. This method is considered to be semi-effective, and typically is only used on very large external growths.
3.    Doctors can surgically remove the genital warts in an outpatient surgery that can be very expensive, and that can cause for a very long healing time on the surgical incisions.
4.    Doctors can prescribe a cream called Aldara, which basically just speeds up the immune response on the skin to fight off the warts naturally; in clinical trials this cream was shown to have about a 44% response rate. Furthermore, many patients misuse the cream and actually spread the HPV virus further.
5.    Doctors can administer a shot called Gardisol – which is available for teens and there is a new one coming out soon for adults that protects against four known strains of the virus that cause genital warts; however there are at least forty strains that can form into warts of this virus.
6.    Doctors will recommend that you eat right, quit smoking and drinking and start taking nutritional supplements that detoxify your body and boost your immune system, which according to the Center for Disease Control, can actually naturally fight off the virus over a two year period for most people who are infected.
7.    Or you can seek out a wide variety of natural HPV treatment supplements currently on the market. It is highly advised that you avoid oils that can be so concentrated that often people have allergic skin reactions or even can be burned by using them, especially since they are highly concentrated and you are applying them to sensitive genital areas.

No matter what you do, always seek professional medical advice on genital warts information and medical treatment options before you decide what your best options are. This way you are as best as informed as you possibly can be about treating this terrible virus!

Learn more about revolutionary HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) by visiting:

Sunday, January 24, 2010

An Hpv Vaccine and Having a Healthy Lifestyle Could the Solution to Genital Hpv

Up until very recently, in fact not until the middle of the year 2006, was there a vaccine available for genital HPV. All possible vaccines until that time were only a distant possibility and a goal to be worked toward. In 2006 however, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) granted approval of a vaccine for genital HPV, called Gardasil. Another vaccine, Cervarix, was in the works and waiting for FDA approval by the end of 2006.

Gardasil however, is used as a vaccination for women, not men. Currently there is no vaccine per se for men, although Gardasil is being tested for use on men genital HPV as well. Recommendations for Gardasil state that the genital HPV vaccine should be given to women starting at as young an age as between 9-12. It is also better if the genital HPV vaccine can be given before they begin sexual relations, and before they become infected with the genital HPV.

Having a healthy lifestyle doesn’t only mean that you need to exercise and cut back on certain things. It means that if you have recurrent genital HPV like I did, that you will have to just about turn your lifestyle around on its head. Exercise is good, but you will also have to factor in such things as a less stressful way of living, reduced alcohol and cigarette consumption, and healthier foods.

You will want to reduce such things as refined and processed foods, red meats, sugars and caffeine to a very large extent can reduce the impact of genital HPV. Including such foods that will give your immune system a boost should be your main goal, with maybe a detour here and there for a cheeseburger with a side of fries!

Water in large quantities, or more than we normally take in now, is a good thing to look into as is including the necessary vitamins and minerals into your diet. To combatgenital HPV, some vitamins and minerals are needed above the others. These include Vitamins A, B complex, C and E. Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Zinc. But you can also take them in supplemental form. Vitamin in particular can be used as a natural remedy to help clear up genital HPV.

Muna wa Wanjiru - About the Author:
Muna wa Wanjiru is a web administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on Curing Genital Warts for Years. For More Information on Genital HPV, Visit His Site at Genital HPV

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Top Three Reasons to Try an HPV Natural Supplment in the Modern Era

Did you know that according to expert statistics and analyses, which have been conducted by the CDC (Center for Disease Control), that this year alone well over 20 million people have Genital human papillomavirus, and that number will steadily increase by an astounding, and rather shocking six million persons per year. In so many words: there are a lot of people that have HPV, and that number keeps rising. One of the reasons that it does, according to the CDC, is because most people that have the virus are entirely unaware that they do, because most people won’t show signs and symptoms until the virus surfaces on their skin – generally due to stress and a poor immune system – in the form of the all too dreaded: genital warts!

There is some good news on the horizon for anybody that does suffer from warts, and that news is that there are some HPV natural remedies out there that you can try which can really help you ward off the virus and get your life back on track pretty fast! According to the CDC, the virus will, in most cases, clear itself out of the body naturally as the immune system attacks it and fights back. But the CDC also estimates that this process can take one or two years, or more. And that some people will never be able to combat signs and symptoms of the virus on their own; like genital warts. With few medical options available for treating this virus, many people are now seeking natural supplements that treat HPV, and you can too if you find that out that you have Genital human papillomavirus.

What follows are the top three reasons to naturally treat HPV if you find that you have become infected.

1.    There are some amazing HPV natural remedies out there that combine very powerful antiviral extracts that can really give your body’s immune system a jump start and speed up the natural process of fending off this virus.
2.    Many times medical treatments for warts can be costly, embarrassing and painful, and quite often they are only semi effective. Which means that you could spend thousands on treating the virus when a natural remedy could allow your body to naturally fend it off?
3.    Privacy and lack of health insurance. Many people are currently uninsured and they don’t have the financial means to pay for costly doctor trips, not to mention the embarrassment that goes with them. For these people, using affordable natural supplements for HPV can be a good route to take in order to best arm their immune system and naturally fight off Genital human papillomavirus.

Learn more about an amazing HPV Natural Treatment Supplement at:

Friday, January 22, 2010

Risk Factors of Cervical Cancer:

Today, we are going to discuss some of the risk factors of cervical cancer. They are many that it will not be possible for us to exhaust all of them, but let us see how far we can go today.

1) HUMAN PAPILLUM VIRUS INFECTION (HPV): This is the most important of all the risk factors associated to the cancer of the cervix. Doctors believe that before a woman can develop cervical cancer, she must have been infected by HPV. Some types of this HPV are classified as “high risk” because they are the main causes of cervical cancer. These types include HPV 6, HPV 18, HPV 31, HPV 35, and HPV 45 and many other. About two-thirds of all cervical cancers are caused by HPV 16-18.

2) SMOKING: Women who smoke are more likely to get cervical cancer than women who don’t smoke. Smoking exposes the body to many cancer-causing chemicals that affects not only the lungs, but other parts of the body. The lungs will first of all, absorb these harmful substances, and later transfer it into the blood stream throughout the body. The by-products of tobacco have been found in the cervical mucus of women who smoke. These substances damage the DNA of the cervix cells and may equally lead to the development of cervical cancer.

3) IMMUNOSUPPRESSION: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes AIDS. This virus damages the immune system of the body completely and makes women to be more at risk for HPV infection. This is one of the causes of increased risk of cervical cancer in women with AIDS. The immune system is very important in destroying cancer cells, and slowing down their growth and spread. A cervical pre-cancer is likely to develop into an invasive cancer faster in women with HIV.

4) CHLAMYDIA INFECTION: This is a very common bacterium that can infect the reproductive system. The spread is mainly through sexual contact. Women whose blood tests show past or present Chlamydia infection are at a higher risk of cervical cancer, as against women with normal test results. This type of infection often shows no symptoms in women. Unless a woman goes for the examination of her pelvic region, she may not know that she is infected of Chlamydia. When this stays long in the body, it leads to pelvic inflammation, which also leads to infertility.

5) DIETS: Diets low in fruits and vegetables can increase the risk of cervical cancer. Also, overweight can equally lead to cervical cancer.

6) BIRTH CONTROL PILLS: The usage of birth control pills for a long time increases the risk of cervical cancer in women. The longer these pills are used, the risk goes up, and goes down after it is stopped.

7) MULTIPLE PREGNANCIES: Women with many full time pregnancies have an increased risk of the cancer of the cervix. This may be because some of these women may have been exposed to unprotected sexual acts which have therefore exposed them to HPV infection. This is because the immune system of the pregnant woman is weak, which allows for HPV infection/ cancer growth.

 LOW SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS: Many women with low income don’t have access to adequate health care services, including pap tests, and the implication of this is that they will not be screened or treated for pre-cancerous cervical diseases.

9) FAMILY HISTORY: Cervical cancer runs in some families. If your mother or sister has cervical cancer, your risk of developing this disease is higher. Women from the same family as a patient already diagnosed of cervical cancer may be more likely to have one or more of the other non-genetic risk factors previously described in this section.

Eze ThankGod ik - About the Author:
ThankGod Eze is a pastor, motivator and a health and fitness instructor. He holds a bachelors’ degree in food sciences, and has many successful websites to his credit. This site serves as a guide to a fit and healthy life.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Genital Warts - 7 Established Facts About Genital Warts

Here are seven established facts about genital warts.

1. Genital warts are highly contagious.

Genital warts spread easily from one person to another through sexual intercourse. Human papillomavirus (HPV), the virus responsible for genital warts, is able to penetrate one's skin and mucosal surfaces through the tiny abrasions in the genital area that develop during sexual intercourse.

2. Genital warts are incurable.

Once you catch HPV, you can never eliminate it from your body. You can treat it and remove the genital warts, but it remains dormant in your system. Thus, genital warts can show up again.

3. Genital warts may resurface.

HPV can lie dormant in your body. It can resurface when triggered by risk factors like smoking, stress, excessive consumption of alcohol, immune system deficiencies, and lifestyle changes, among others. In fact, a lot of people are not aware that they have HPV in their system. Many men do have genital warts on their penis and remain unaware of their presence since they may be very tiny and hidden. A lot of women also have genital warts but remain oblivious because they occur internally in many cases. Only 10 percent of genital warts are noticeable.

4. Genital warts can be treated and get rid of.

There are different therapy options for genital warts removal depending on their size and location. If you consult your doctor, he or she may advise you to apply a topical medication or undergo electrocautery (burning), cryosurgery (freezing), or laser treatment. Some people also attest to the efficacy of herbal preparation in getting rid of genital warts.

5. Genital warts cannot spread from your genitals to other parts of your body and vice versa.

There are at least 150 types of HPV. The strains that are responsible for genital warts occur only in the genital region. They spread through direct contact with the skin of an infected partner through vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse. Infection may happen through contact with a visible genital wart or through subclinical infection, meaning contact with an area of the skin with no visible genital wart. Following sexual intercourse with an infected person, genital warts may take a few weeks to several years to manifest.

6. You can do something to prevent further development of genital warts.

Many studies have proven that having a healthy immune system helps a lot in preventing the outbreak of genital warts. For those who have had genital warts, physicians require specific supplements that boost the immune system like selenium, green tea extract, bioflavins, and grape seed extract.

7. Genital warts may cause cervical cancer.

Approximately 70 percent of all cases of cervical cancer are caused by types 16 and 18 of HPV. HPV causes the outer layer of normal cells of the cervical transformation zone (TZ) to be replaced by cancer cells. Such a change is only detected in the early stages through a Pap smear. In fact, 90 percent of deaths arising from cervical cancer could have been prevented through early detection. Hence, it is imperative that all women who are sexually active have regular Pap smears.

W. Darren - - About the Author:
For more information, kindly visit Genital Warts Support Team - a health resource dedicated to providing factual information about Genital Warts. Related topics including Causes of Genital Warts , Diagnosis of Genital Warts and more.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

There Are Natural Ways to Treat HPV (Genital human papillomavirus)

The current statistics for people who will be diagnosed with HPV (Genital human papillomavirus) for this current year are literally off the charts. And according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) these numbers are expected to keep rising dramatically each year, to the tune of an estimated 6-million persons that are infected annually. The scariest part is that most people don’t even know that they are infected, as according to the CDC, 90% of people show signs and symptoms of the virus, like genital warts. But sometimes things like being overstressed, suffering from a poor immune system, and the virus naturally making its way out of your body can wreak physical and mental havoc on the sufferer.

The good news is that there are some ways that you can naturally treat this virus, and there are some pretty good and well researched HPV all natural supplements out there that have been shown to really help your body defeat this virus, and at least force it back into cessation or remission. While currently there is no medical cure for treating this virus, there are some natural and holistic approaches that you can take to fight back. One thing to keep in mind is that you should always consult with your physician before using any natural method in order to get the best medical advice.

Current popular natural HPV treatment options:
1.    You can try using oil extracts on genital warts that can be very costly for small bottles, but that utilize the power of antiviral oils, which basically help to ward off the virus and force it back into remission.
2.    You can boost your immune system by working out and eating right, quitting smoking and drinking, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, so that you can naturally boost your immune system, as according to the CDC, the body naturally will remit the virus typically over 1-3 years; a process that you can speed up.
3.    You can try adding daily supplements that incorporate antioxidants and antivirals, as well as natural anti-anxiety and anti-stress ingredients that will boost your immune system, deliver key ingredients and allow your body the extra kick start that it needs for an HPV all natural remedy and ultimately: total virus cessation or remission.

If you have noticeable signs and symptoms of HPV, don't wait another day. There are ways that you can boost your body's immune system by attacking the virus internally using an All-natural Holistic remedy for HPV that combines high-potency antivirals (the most powerful formulations known to man), three amazingly potent antioxidants, which kill most pathogens and boost your immune system, and that incorporates anti-stress and anti-anxiety natural supplements, which prevent the most common reason why people show signs and symptoms of HPV: STRESS-RELATED OUTBREAKS!

Learn more about revolutionary HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) by visiting:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Genital Warts are Only the Sign of Genital Hpv Infection

To understand exactly what genital warts are, you must first understand where it all starts. To do this, we need to go back to its origins, better known as the Human Papilloma Virus or HPV for short. The human papilloma virus is one of the most common viral infections and is the leading cause of wart infections on the body. However, just because you have HPV infection, it does not mean that you will develop genital warts.

On the contrary, quite a lot of people who have the HPV infection do not go on to develop visible signs of warts. Genital warts are only the sign and the symptom of genital HPV infection, it’s not the cause, and it’s not the condition. It’s a commonly mistaken fact that genital warts are the reason for a person to get HPV infection, just as it’s a commonly mistaken fact that by removing the warts, you’re cured of the whole infection.

You might be able to successfully remove the genital warts, but the HPV infection will live on in you until your body can fight it back. There is no cure for HPV infection. That’s why there’s such a high recurrence rate of genital warts, and that’s why some people will suffer throughout their lifetimes. When you’re removing the warts, you’re not curing the HPV infection, you’re only removing the visible signs of it.

However, as I can attest, there are many things that you can do to prevent genital warts from occurring, or reoccurring as the case may be, and in some instances a lifestyle change can lead to an eradication of the HPV infection from your system altogether. That unfortunately takes time, effort and dedication to living a healthy lifestyle, and not the fast lane, fast food, instant gratification life that we’re used to living.

Taking it down a notch, and taking the time to smell the roses can in fact work wonders for you, it’s not just a myth told to you by your mother. Good clean living, a healthy diet and a relaxed outlook on life can do what no wonder-drug ever could. That said, since I know just how difficult it is to achieve the goalof eliminating the HPV infection, or to even come close enough to look HPV infection in the eye, there are other treatment methods which are available to you if just don’t have the time, energy or the inclination to stop and smell the roses.

Muna wa Wanjiru - About the Author:
Muna wa Wanjiru is a web administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on Curing Genital Warts for Years. For More Information on HPV Infection, Visit His Site at HPV Infection

Monday, January 18, 2010

Can The Papillomavirus HPV Virus Be Avoided?

The Papillomavirus HPV is one of the most widespread STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) in the US and most likely in the world as well. Recent studies show that the number of people affected by this virus in the US alone could be anywhere between 15 to 20 million, which is huge by any standards.

Some other studies point to the fact that more than 80 per cent of women will contract this disease before they reach 50 years of age. This virus is also one of the main factors in the development of cervical cancer, a disease which is almost always fatal.

There are more than one hundred strains of the human Papillomavirus HPV, most of them non-cancerous. About 30 of these are contracted through sexual contact. It has been observed that any adult who has had more than one sexual partner, or has had intimate relationships with a partner who has had sex with more than one person, is a candidate for contacting this virus.

Genital warts are one of the most visible indicators that you have been infected with the virus, which unfortunately often develops after a long incubation period, during which time neither you (as the infected person) nor your partner would know about the virus HPV, yet it could still be easily passed on through sex.

Having an annual pap smear is a very simple way to find out if you have contracted the Papillomavirus HPV. The physician will run simple tests that will allow them to find out if you are affected. Because this virus can lead to cervical cancer, having this test done yearly to check for traces of the HPV virus is very important. Cervical cancer, unfortunately, takes the lives of a large amount of women every year. Because this is so, safe sex practices and having regular pap smears will help you to fight this form of the HPV virus.

Papillomavirus HPV can now be fought with an HPV vaccination. The vaccine is normally given to young girls, before they become sexually active, which is usually between the ages of 9 to 13.

This vaccine is known to stop the virus, which means that women will be less affected by cervical cancer caused by the HPV strain and also vaginal warts. While it is not known whether or not this vaccine can help men in the same way that it is able to help women, there are being more tests being conducted to find out.
MIKE SELVON - About the Author:
Mike Selvon has some great genital warts articles. Find out more tips on papillomavirus hpv at his resourceful site. We appreciate your feedback at our genital warts help blog.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

How to Know how Long you Should Take the HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) All-Natural Cure for the HPV Virus (genital human papillomavirus)?

We have been getting quite a bit of positive feedback on our revolutionary All-Natural Holistic Supplement for HPV, HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor), and one of the most often asked questions is: how long should I take Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor to defeat the HPV Virus (genital human papillomavirus) in my body?

So to better address these very common and very important questions, we have decided that it would be best to tell you in our blog what our recommend treatment dosages and lengths are so that you can be best informed on how long that you should take HPVI to eradicate the HPV virus in your body and relieve yourself from any physical signs and symptoms, like warts, genital warts and anal warts. The following information should better help to clarify how long you should take our amazing Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor All-Natural Holistic Treatment for HPV to treat and eradicate HPV.*

1.) If you have just started showing signs and symptoms of HPV, we highly recommend that you take our 2 month supply of Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor called HVPI Super Blast! – which you can find by Clicking Here. This 2 month supply provides 60-days of a super immune boost to help eradicate the virus quickly. In some cases you may need to take it for longer, as everyone has a different immune system.*

2.) If you have had the HPV virus in your body and have been showing signs for 6-9 months, we recommend that you take a longer duration of Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor with our 4 month supply called Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor Ultra Blast!, which you can find by Clicking Here. This longer supply will combat the virus in your body by providing a full 120 day supply, as it can take longer to fight it off, the longer that you have had HPV.*

3.) If you have had the HPV virus in your body and have been showing signs and symptoms for 10-12 months or longer, we highly recommend taking our Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor Mega Blast!, which provides a full 240 day, six month supply of our amazing All-Natural Remedy for HPV. You can find HPV Mega Blast! by Clicking Here! Because the HPV genital human papillomavirus has been in your body for so long, it can take a bit longer to fight off the virus and force it back into cessation.*

Why suffer another day from genital warts, anal warts or HPV when our All-Natural Daily Supplement for HPV costs the same as about one doctor visit for a 2 month supply, and offers the best value over any other all-natural and holistic approach on the market?

Click Here to Learn More!

*The FDA does not recognize the practice of herbs. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not evaluated any statement made herein. None of the information provided is meant to act as a prescription, medical advice or therapeutic advice. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As with any dietary supplement, you should ALWAYS seek advice from a health care practitioner prior to use of any type of herb(s) or herbal products, if you are pregnant, nursing, have high blood pressure, heart or thyroid disease, diabetes, difficulty in urination, taking a Mao inhibitor, or any other prescription drug, or have any medical condition requiring a physician’s care. Always keep all herbal products, including HPVI, out of the reach of children.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wondering What Comprises the best All-Natural Treatment Supplement for HPV on the Market (HPVI)?

There are some answers to the questions that we are certain that all who suffer from the HPV virus that are seeking a natural remedy for HPV seek. We are the makers of a brand new and revolutionary natural treatment supplment for HPV that will allow you to successfully eradicate the HPV virus, anal warts, genital warts and any other warts that are on your body, simply by ingesting a daily all-natural supplement that is easy to take and that will allow your body to successfully defend itself against HPV.

So how does it work, you might be wondering?

Allow us to tell you the top three reasons why HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) is the BEST natural HPV remedy in the world!

1.    HPVI incorporates nearly dozen of the most powerful antiviral extracts in the world! These are not cheaply made. They are hand-selected from regions around the world and then made into powders in state-of-the-art GMP certified labs, in highly effective 4:1 and 5:1 extract ratios. This means more potency, that they are delivered quickly to the body, and that they boost your immune system. All of the antiviral all-natural extracts we use have been shown to defeat HPV in scientific and holistic studies. When combined together as one, no other natural remedy for HPV can stack up!

2.    HPVI utilizes three of nature’s most potent antioxidants: Acai Berry Extract, Grape Seed Extract and Red Raspberry Extract. These three combinations work to detoxify your system, cleanse your colon, boost your metabolic rate, and work to process the antivirals. They also give a jump start to your immune system, promoting clearer, suppler skin, and they attack the virus using amazing antioxidant power! No other all-natural treatment supplement for HPV in the world has even one of these ingredients!

3.    HPVI also incorporates Suntheanine—an active anti-stress ingredient in HPVI—which has been extensively researched and documented as being beneficial in significantly reducing physical, mental and social symptoms of depression, anxiety, insomnia, and irritability; mental detriments that have been proven to cause the onset of the physical signs and external dermal spread of the HPV Virus (Genital human papillomavirus)—something that no other holistic supplement for HPV addresses: stress related outbreaks!

Now you know the facts, HPVI really works, and has the best formula for the best price on the market! That’s why we are so proud of our product, and so confident that it will work to provide you with the quick freedom of HPV that you desire, and that you so deserve!

Click Here to Learn More about HPVI!

Friday, January 15, 2010 offers full scoop on HPV Virus - Follows up with no hope.

Indeed, it seems that finally the rest of the world is getting more educated about the HPV virus, something that the CDC says currently infects nearly 30 million people in the US, growing at an alarming rate of 6 million infected persons per year. That is some really scary numbers, and in so many words: HPV is out of control in the US! The scariest part is that in women HPV can cause cervical cancer, and in both men and women it can cause genital warts and anal warts, or not ever show signs at all. Currently the CDC also estimates that 50% of all sexually active adults will contract the HPV virus at some point during their lives, a number they say that is actually climbing to 75%.

So those are some scary numbers!

Even more interesting is that FINALLY, mainstream media is taking the proper steps to educate people about HPV signs, HPV symptoms, including what to look for. However they never tell you about an HPV natural cure, they just tell you a bunch of things to scare you.

For instance, the popular online health news medium CHealth, published this report earlier this month entitled, “The lowdown on HPV.”

The article cites,

“What's HPV all about? 

 Okay, here's the science. Don't panic! There's no test at the end, so don't worry.

HPV stands for human papillomavirus. It's a common virus that can end up causing a lot of health problems, including genital warts and cancer - such as cervical cancer. Don't think it will happen to you? Think again.

HPV is the most common STI (sexually transmitted infection - formerly called STD, or sexually transmitted disease) in the world. HPV is a really important health issue for all young women.

Believe it or not, 3 out of 4 sexually active people will get HPV at some point in their lives, and probably before they're 25 years old. Although there are over 100 different types of HPV, most of them only cause minor health problems, such as warts on your hands or feet. Most types of HPV do not cause any symptoms and go away on their own; however, there are over 40 types that affect the genital area and some can lead to even more serious health problems. To learn more about the health conditions that can be caused by HPV and how they could affect you, see "How can HPV affect me?"

Some types of HPV are considered to be high-risk types and can lead to some cancers, such as cervical cancer and cancer of the vulva (the outside of the female genital area) and the vagina. Other lower-risk types of HPV lead to genital warts. They're called "low-risk" because they're unlikely to cause cancer.

The next time you go to your doctor, ask for some more information about HPV and how you can protect yourself.

Am I at risk?

"Am I at risk of being infected with HPV?" For any girl or woman who is sexually active or is close to becoming sexually active, the answer is "yes."

HPV is not spread through blood, and you can catch HPV simply through skin-to-skin contact with the genital area of an infected person during sexual activity.

Get the facts:
  • You can catch the virus even if you don't have sex.
  • Being faithful or only having one partner won't necessarily protect you from getting HPV. You or your partner may already have caught HPV from an earlier relationship. Click here to see how quickly HPV can spread through your network of sexual partners.
  • Although HPV sometimes causes unsightly genital warts, you can't always see visible symptoms. Because of this, you may not be able to tell if someone is infected - they might not even know they're infected.
  • Condoms don't provide complete protection from HPV. You may be asking your partner to use a condom to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as HIV and Chlamydia, and that's smart. Unfortunately, any skin-to-skin contact in the genital area can spread HPV. If you are having sex, a condom may not protect you if your partner has the HPV infection outside the area that the condom covers. Even if you're vaccinated against HPV, don't stop using a condom. Condoms help prevent other infections, as well as pregnancy, so make sure you use them!
Fortunately, there are ways to help prevent HPV. Talk to your doctor about getting protected against HPV.”

(Source: Internet, 2010;

So that’s all they tell you: “Talk to your doctor about getting protected against HPV.”

What a joke.

Did you know that most doctors can only freeze off genital warts or anal warts for them to only return again. That the only cream, Aldara, has a pathetic 40% success rate, and really, Chealth is trying to tell women that they can get an HPV shot, which is costly and protects against only 4 of a 100 strains of HPV.

Wow, hopeful.
Thanks guys.

What if there was an HPV natural treatment supplment that really worked? One that introduced HPV killing antivirals and antioxidants into your body so you could naturally, safely, effectively and quickly kill the virus?

Learn more about a revolutionary and brand new HPV natural remedy by Clicking Here!