One thing that we have noticed is that there are currently only HPV Vaccines for women, and they are touch and go, and mostly they are designed to prevent cervical cancer, not genital warts or anal warts. The makers of the most popular, well up until now the most popular, prescribed HPV Vaccination, Merck – who makes Gardisol – has been ordered by the US government to submit stats on the numbers and how effective their new drug (which is supposed to offer hope to older women between ages of 27-45) truly is.
In an early January report that was published the very popular web news medium. Reuters, the article cites as follows.
“Gardasil, one of Merck's biggest products, was approved in 2006 for preventing cervical cancer and genital warts in females between the ages of 9 and 26. It works by preventing infection with the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration early last year again withheld approval for its use by women aged 27 to 45, asking the drug maker to submit data when a 48-month study on a test group has been completed.
Merck, in a statement on its Web site, said it had provided the completed trial data to the FDA before the end of 2009. The company said the FDA typically takes six months to review such responses.
Global sales of Gardasil fell 22 percent to $311 million in the third quarter, hurt by overseas competition from GlaxoSmithKline's rival Cervarix vaccine and continuing delays in winning expanded approval for the product.”
(Source: Internet, 2010; http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE60C6B420100113.)
So while there is some new hope on the horizon, at least for women who are older, as the current HPV vaccines only treat young girls, from age 12-25, what about men, and what about those who are currently infected with HPV?
Learn about a newer and groundbreaking, all-natural holistic treatment for HPV by Clicking Here!
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