According to last year’s CDC (Center for Disease Control) estimates, more than 20 million people in the US alone were currently infected with the HPV virus (Genital human papillomavirus), and that these numbers were growing steadily at an alarming rate of 6 million HPV infected persons, per year! That means now that we are entering 2010, there could be anywhere between 20-30 million people in the US that KNOW that they have HPV. The CDC also said that about 90% of people that have HPV don’t even know that they have the HPV virus because, according to the CDC, 90% of people with the virus don’t show symptoms. So what the real numbers are could be astounding!
In so many words, Genital human papillomavirus is OUT OF CONTROL IN THE US!
What About People that Show Signs and Symptoms of the HPV Virus?
Then there are the millions of people that are showing sings of this virus either through diagnosed abnormal pap smears, genital warts or anal warts. And with few medical HPV treatment options, such as freezing, burning or surgically removing the warts off, or using creams like Aldara that just boost the immune system, the options are scarce, to say the least! The CDC also said that in many cases the body will naturally put the HPV virus back into dormancy within 2 years, once the immune system is able to effectively combat the virus – that’s a long time to wait!
If you have noticeable signs and symptoms of HPV, don’t wait another day. There are ways that you can boost your body’s immune system by attacking the virus internally using an all-natural treatment for HPV that combines high-potency antivirals (the most powerful formulations known to man), three amazingly potent antioxidants, which kill most pathogens and boost your immune system, and that incorporates anti-stress and anti-anxiety natural supplements, which prevent the most common reason why people show signs and symptoms of HPV: STRESS-RELATED OUTBREAKS!
Learn more about naturally boosting your immune system to be free of HPV today at: