Nearly two decades ago, experts discovered a relationship between infection with HPV and cervical cancer. Since then, these experts have learned much more about how HPV can lead to cervical cancer. The following are some knowledge every woman and girl should know about HPV and cervical cancer.
There's only one sure way to eliminate any chance of HPV infection: Avoid all genital contact with another person. Actual cervical cancer is rare in the U.S. because most women get Pap tests and have abnormal cells removed before they turn into cancer. Still, lots of women will find out they have cervical cancer every year and some will die of the disease.
There are more than 100 types of HPV. About 30 or so types can cause genital infections. Some types of HPV, typically HPV 6 and HPV 11, cause genital warts. The warts are rarely associated with cervical cancers. They are considered "low-risk" HPV. Other types can cause cervical or other genital cancers.
The other 70 or so HPV types can cause infections and warts elsewhere on the body, such as on the hands. Most sexually active women and men will contract HPV at some point in their lifetime. Most will never even know it. Usually, this virus does not cause any symptoms and doesn't cause disease. Often, the body can clear HPV infection on its own within two years or less.
HPV types associated with genital infections are transmitted sexually, primarily through skin-to-skin contact during sexual activity. HPV can also be spread through oral sex. The chance of getting HPV rises with certain risk factors: number of lifetime sexual partners, young age, and women who are sexually active with men who have other partners at the same time.
To reduce risk, it's best to have a mutually monogamous sexual relationship with an uninfected partner. But keep in mind, many people don't know if they're infected. Using condoms can help prevent HPV transmission but are not foolproof. The virus can be transmitted to genital areas not covered by the condom.
A vaccine, Gardasil, was approved for use in 2006 for use in girls and women aged 9 to 26. Eventually, it may be approved for use in boys, too. Another vaccine, Cervarix, was approved by the FDA in 2007. Over time, widespread vaccination will help prevent transmission of the HPV types covered by the vaccines.
The Gardasil HPV vaccine protects against several high-risk strains of HPV, including HPV types 16 and 18, which account for 70% of cervical cancers. It also protects against HPV 6 and 11, which account for about 90% of genital warts. Cervarix protects against HPV types 16, 81, 31, and 45 -- all of which can cause cervical cancer.
Among the HPV treatment options are surgery, laser treatment, and freezing. Pregnant women, or women considering pregnancy, should consult closely with their doctor. The risk of passing HPV on to the baby is very low. But HPV treatments can affect pregnancy, so doctors may want to delay treatment until after childbirth.
Traditional theories postulated that once a person is infected, HPV remained in the body for a lifetime. However, new studies using sensitive DNA techniques have shown that an HPV cure is possible through immunological response. For example, studies on compounds to cure genital warts demonstrate that HPVCurative extracts created "significant destruction of HPV cells as evidenced from DNA tests".
These studies further concluded that among other genital warts cures, HPVCurative best extracts "inhibited skin papillomas virus and decreased the conversion of papillomas to carcinomas" which resulted in "significant disintegration of HPV cells in DNA tests" without damaging surrounding healthy tissue.
HPVCurative is undiluted and unadulterated. It contains stringently certified organic antiviral plant extracts, which have the ability to destroy HPV. The extracts are harvested and distilled by hand for medicinal use -- they are pure and complete. This is essential when creating HPV cures, and it is of critical importance when applying anything to the genitals.
To cure genital warts, simply apply one drop of product to the affected area three times a day. HPVCurative is offered at a great price compared to competing HPV cures. It treats multiple warts and is also most suitable among other genital warts cures in the market for those afflicted with stubborn strains. To learn more, please go to
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