Sunday, March 21, 2010

Four Clinical Symptoms-Penis Warts

Genital warts in men are also called penile warts or condyloma because they are found on the penis- usually on the tip of it. Though they are also referred to as penis warts, they do affect other parts of men's body, such as anal area and around the penile organ. This is a condition that is caused by a virus known as human papillomavirus which is transmitted through sexual or skin contact. Penis warts count for the most frequent sexually transmitted medical condition on the planet and do not fall into a group of deadly infections.

Warts come in many shapes and sizes.

There are many types of warts, each type formed by a different strain of the virus. Healthy individuals who regularly take in vitamins are much more likely to overcome penis warts fast and for good than others who neglect fruits and vegetables in their diet. Therefore, you would find different manifestation in different cases- some times the warts would resemble small lesions and sometimes you could find these as large lumps of flesh single or in a group. Unless they are removed and treated in time, these warts would over time become uncomfortable and painful.

Ways to recognize penis warts.

The warts appear on the tip of the penis and while initially they are small and unobtrusive, they would gradually grow in size and number. To be on the sure side one could browse different blogs and websites for free penis warts photos which will give you a pretty good insight into how exactly a HPV infection looks like.

Majority of people suffering from penis warts will be subject to one or more of the following symptoms, which do come with the HPV infection:

1. The urge to scratch you on the area affected is one of the most common signs of penis warts.

The first really annoying symptom of itchiness is being accompanied with more and more repetitions of scratching which consequently makes penis warts even more itchy and irritated.

2. Humidity is the next symptom that you should consider as one of the accompanying signs for genital warts- the area where warts appear is unusually wet or humid.

The difficulty is that no matter what you do, penis warts will still produce moisture and there is hardly any method to dry the infected region. It is good to know that warts flourish best in regions with high humidity, therefore moisture and damp is the preferred microclimate for this infection.

3. Burning- if left untreated for a longer period, the itchiness would change into burning sensation which would bring the uncomfortable level a notch higher.

Postponing the treatment of penis warts can resolve into dangerous HPV infection of the genital or anal tract, causing considerable pain when the nature calls. When this happens, there is a good possibility that the warts have found their way inside the body (urethra or anus).

4. Explosion of wars- HPV virus is infection which firstly seems to be taking its time to show those first symptoms, but then suddenly explodes, seeding new warts daily and the existing ones seem to be growing into disgustful forms with unimaginable speed.

The warts could be single or they could appear in a group which would give it an appearance of a cauliflower. Fourth phase of the human papilloma virus infection, the phase of multiplication, is the final call for you to visit the doctor and get immediate expert medical treatment of penis warts.

Getting in grip this mean infection means timely responding to the first symptoms and immediately calling for doctor's help. In the meantime, ensure that you include green and red vegetables in your diet as well as add vitamin supplements as these would boost your immune system and help overcoming the effects of the virus. 

About the author:
HPV infection resulting in male genital warts is difficult do diagnose immediately after the infection. Therefore it is crucial to know Penis Warts Symptoms before the disease becomes complicated for home treatment or even spreads on the urethra and anus. 

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