Friday, March 5, 2010

Male Genital Warts - The Complete Disease Story

Male Genital warts are one of the commonest types of sexually transmitted diseases. This condition is also called codylomata acuminata or venereal warts. The warts are transmitted by sexual contact with an infected person.

Genital warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus - HPV. This virus has also been linked to the development of genital cancers. The HPV infects the top layers of the skin. the virus is contagious and spreads through sexual contact with an infected person. Most people develop warts within three months of contact with an infected person. Unusually, some cases may not show symptoms for a long duration.

Having unprotected sex with many partners increses the chances of having male genital warts. The chances of getting genital warts also increase if you have had sex with someone who has a history of sexually transmitted disease, or whose sexual hitory you don't know. Becoming sexually active at a young age is also associated with greater risk of contracting the infection. If you have genital warts, or if your sexual partner has ben diagnosed with warts, you should seek medical advice immediately.

As the name suggests, these warts are seen in the genital area. The condition is caused by a family of viruses which infect the soft, moist tissues of the genital areas. Male genital warts are most common on the tip or shaft of the penis. They may also extend to the scrotum and anus in some cases. Genital warts may sometimes be found in the throat or mouth also, if the person has had oral sexual contact with an infected person.
The warts are usually flesh colored. Male genital warts may be in the shape of bumps or cauliflower like growths in the genital areas and surrounding it. The warts may be present singly or in clusters in the affected areas.

Male genital warts usually show the following signs and symptoms. You may notice flesh colored or gray swellings in your genital area. The warts may be single and may develop into clusters if you don't seek treatment in time. Warts are usually associated with discomfort and itching in the genital area. You might notice bleeding during intercourse due to the erosion of wart tissue. The warts may also be too small to notice. In some cases male genital warts may not associated with any symptoms.

If you have been diagnosed with male genital warts, it is best to consult a qualified practitioner regarding a proper form of treatment. The treatment you will be advised depends on factors like the size of the warts, if you have had warts before and whether your warts respond to locally applied creams. You may choose from creams like imiquimode or podofilox, which are locally applied. There are a few precautions you will have to take when you are on medication. You will also have to ask your partner to seek treatment if you have been diagnosed with genital warts.

If you have been advised surgery, you might be having large warts, or warts which are resistant to other forms of treatment. Treatment options in this case include electrocautery, cryosurgery, surgical excision or laser treatment. Remember that this condition recurs because the underlying virus is not easy to eliminate. You may have a relapse after you warts have gone.

Karl Dorads -
For more information about Genital Warts Treatments visit Treatments